Ya crazy! Another week has flown by! So first news first, i didnt transfer, making it six months that i will be in my first area, thats a wierd thought eh! My zone changed up a little so its good to meet new missionaires, and my companion is our district leader, haha which is totally ironic because hes the opposite but this is going to be such a good learning experience for him, finally i will get to be more obedient! This week has been good, tuff, but a little better than the last week, every week is just a little progress, so in a few months i feel i will be close to normal haha, this weeks weather has been great, i havent seen the sun in 6 days, which has been awesome! It was 58 degrees saturday morning! Oh how excited i was! But usually its around 70 which is perfect, the mud is like 6 inches deep right now, so its a little tuff to try and walk without slipping, but the boot things help. I defintily love this weather more than the other haha. Well this week we had an event called Tormenta Blanca, when all of the missionaires hit up one area and talk to all of the inactives, so my companion and i spent all of thursday and part of friday looking through the records trying to find inactives with adresses... Because here almost all of the members only have the name of the neighborhood... pretty annoying haha. But we found enough, and saturday morning all of the missionaires came to our area, it was alot of fun and we had some good lessons, but when sunday came not one of the inactives came so it kind of stunk, we think it was because of the rain, because its raining a ton here, a ton! This week we set another baptismal date with Ramiro! For the week after my birthday, along with a little girl so we will have two baptisms that week, and we are also going to set this same date for the Gomez family this week, they are so close to baptism, sooooo close, everyone believes but the dad and this week we talked about inpardonable sins because he felt like he had offended the spirit, and after we explained his whole personage changed, so he is starting to progress a little faster, we decided a month is good enough for him to change haha. We found a nurse on saturday who right after we had finished a lesson, she started to read the book of mormon and read almost a quarter of it! When we returned last night she told us this and we were really suprised! haha so we will see what turns out in the next week or so, we also found a man who believes that the book of mormon is true, which its always better to have the man of the house believe, becuase its alot easier for the wife to believe also. So it will be interesting to see how the next week or so turns out. Its interesting that you prayed for me to be sent to an area where i will learn to love my mission, maybe its here in this transfer, well we will see. Its still such a long reach but im getting closer.
So a funny story, tuesday night we called the Mochado family, who is the only active family in my area, they do our laundry, feed us almost everyday, and they go with us to lessons, well we called them tuesday night to see if we could eat with them wednesday, because we had nowere to eat, so when my companion called he also told them that i was leaving and that i was too sad to talk to them, but then after he said he was joking, but they didnt understand. So the next day when we went to eat the mom had stayed home from work to make us a good lunch and she bought me a bunch of gifts, and when i asked what it was for she said for you leaving, but then i realized that my companion said this and so i got all of this stuff for staying haha, it was pretty funny, we just said that it will be my birthday present, it was very nice of them.
Haha collin... Thats a funny story about the rustler, those kagies... At least they fixed it! haha, now you have a better one. Congrats steph on being the director of the play! Thats sweet! Thanks mom and dad for the letters, it sure helped me alot! Ill definitly put in practice everything im learning, my attitude is changing, everything is getting a little better, but i feel like im far from what i need to become, because i still want so bad for this to fly by haha. Well i love you and ill write you next week! Thanks for the pictures! This computer cant send so ill send them in a few mins!